Post Pandemic Consumer Behaviours

Post Pandemic Consumer Behaviours

COVID-19 has forced consumers to rethink nearly every aspect of their day-to-day lives. As consumers navigate the innate need to change and adapt, they are working differently, learning differently, shopping, eating, and interacting with others differently – all while seeking a sense of normalcy. The changes in how consumers shop and eat may have experienced […]

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The Certified B Movement

Food brands are being scrutinized more than ever these days. Consumers seek many credentials. For instance: 1. Clean label 2. Transparency 3. Locally produced 4. Sugar content 5. Sustainable packaging 6. The environment 7. The end of systematic racism. There were many other points I could have added to the list. On the latter point, […]

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clean food label

The Evolution of Clean Label

Food brands face so much consumer scrutiny in today’s market. In addition to taste and retail (Top 2 influencers on product purchases), they have come to demand increased knowledge of the product’s ingredients, their source and, how they are manufactured to name a few. It was not so long ago where families would create their […]

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Plant Based Food Certifications

Plant Based Food Certifications

The popularity of plant-based foods has become a global phenomenon. Global sales are projected to top $74B by 2027 growing at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.9% from 2020.[i] Plant-based sales in Canada hit $1.7B for the 52-week ending September 15, 2018.[ii] Plant-based proteins in Canada growing 250% faster than animal proteins (+7% […]

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