clean food label

GROCERY WARS: Clean Label Goes Mainstream

Food is considered one of the three necessities in life. The common practice was to create a shopping list and head off to your local grocery without fanfare to purchase those items. It was done so without reviewing the ingredients listing. As such, we purchased products that contained GMOs, artificial flavours, colours, and extra sugar. […]

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Formulating For Generation Z

For the past decade, there has been considerable discussion amongst CPG marketers on how to interact with Millennials. Understandable, given their purchasing power (combined, $600B in the US each year)[i], their influence on the food sector and how they have re-shaped today’s food trends. But now there is a new generation. As noted by Mr. […]

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Baby Boomers annual spending power in the United States is $2.3 trillion annually. In Canada, households aged 65 and over had an average net worth of $845,600 in 2016. That’s an 86% increase since 1999 after adjusting for inflation. Despite their wealth, most marketers’ attention has been diverted to the Millennials and Generation Z. This […]

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Before the power of social media came into existence, influence was typically restricted to individuals with movie, television, or radio access. Hence, the number of people wielding influence was limited. Today we hear about how consumers trust friends and family members recommendations when deciding what products to purchase. That truth has become even more apparent as […]

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